Throughout our course readings we have read substantive articles of why motherhood is considered a social institution. While I agree with the reasons
why motherhood is compared or even considered a social institution - I can't help bu
t think (as a mother) do I want
out of this institution? Would I change the role of motherhood if given a chance? Would I let go of those tightly held reins that make me primarily responsible for the moral behavior, education and overall well-being of
MY children? Do I really want to hand over what are the most important things in my life to a group of inexperienced, socially-driven men? I agree that a woman's identity and sense of importance should not come solely from their role as mothers. I agree that as mothers we often find ourselves battling with self-hatred, resentment and guilt. It might be an unfair situation when you look at the roles of motherhood versus fatherhood. Do women and mothers have a right to be angry about the position that a patriarchal society has put us in? Yes we have the right to be angry - it is a righteous anger. We do and should demand the respect we deserve for our roles as life givers and nurturers. So, to answer my previous questions - I do NOT consider myself unwillingly bound in an institution - I consider myself a patient in the institution of motherhood. I have gone through many stages in my life - some worse than others but motherhood is by far the best stage yet! I am so flattered to have been given the chance to be a mother - something that some women are not given. Of course motherhood has challenges - that is what I like - rising to the challenge. Looking into my children's innocent eyes I have an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. If being a mother is considered to be one of the most important jobs in the world - why wouldn't one want to embrace that title? Despite the sleepless nights, vomit in your mouth, stained clothes and constantly dirty floor - being a mother is the BEST job I have ever taken - oh yeah - they pay is not that great but the perks are AMAZING!
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