My first born...."the Prince" was born when I was 19 years old - so of course I knew everything and didn't need anyone. He and I were very close when he was younger....it was him & I against the world. He is 13 years old now and I could not have asked for a better son. He is an honor-roll student and never is in any trouble. He is changing/turning into a teenage boy so I guess our relationship will be changing - I'm not too happy about it but I will try to accept it the best I know how. Anyone that knows him will tell you that there is something special about him. He has a very dry-humorous side to him. For example when he was about 6 years old - we were in the barber shop (not his favorite place) and the barber was joking with him and asked him if he wanted him to shave his moustache - he responds in a very monotone voice "No thanks - but you could do my Mom's" - I could have died that day! :)
Because I was so young when I had him - in a sense we have grown up together and like I have raised him - he too has raised me. He and I have and will always have a special bond - he is my ACE in the hole.
My second born...."My Princess" is 4 years old and a jack of all traits. She is the QUEEN BEE of our house (she says that I am the dragon - no comment), she is a professional negotiator (which I always get sucked into until I realize I am negotiating with a 4 year old), her smile can brighten any ones day, she is a performer of song and dance (currently working with Alisha Keys, Beyonce, Fergie and Pink), she says the funniest things (when they are directed at me they are not funny). The title of this BLOG "Keep Just Swimming" came from her - she 'thinks' she is singing the song from NEMO "Just Keep Swimming" - it was too cute to correct. You would never think that such a small, beautiful girl could FART so much - it is truly disturbing. She loves to FART and is no way embarrassed. Not only does she fart - they smell bad - worse than a grown man.....which led to her nick name when she was little "Stink" which has been transformed into 'stinky mama' stink-stink' 'stinky-butt' however bad she smells she is truly a treat and keeps the entire family laughing.